This artwork was displayed at the "Im talking to you" exhibition at the 'lone goat gallery' Byron Bay and at the Murwillumbah Civic Center
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Photo from the Lone Goat Gallery, Byron Bay |
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on display at the Murwillumbah Civic center |
Mustard tree
Hand written text, book, Mixed metals
Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Faith without action is incomplete, it is through acts of faith , whether seen or unseen that give it life.
Tristan Griffin , 2014
Project 2
Please read carefully the Student
Assessment Guides, which outline the requirements to successfully
Realise a Body of work.
During Semester 2 , 2014 you are
required to produce and present a body of work. This body of work can
have an overarching concept, which would be inclusive of all your
studio areas whilst not excluding the unique qualities of each
discipline. Or in turn can be related to the Drawing unit alone.
Project 2 will consist of a series of
works determined by youself in proposal for self-driven project
- “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead”
is the artwork about : dialogue of the human body
: living as a christian
prayer positions , time spent at church functions
connection/importance ; christians actions towards others,
fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
“actions” that glorify our Father in heaven are those that bear
much fruit (John
body of works main focus is to lay the foundations towards further
bodies of work.
As a
Continuation of the experimentation of black and white pastels, I
intend on exploring the religious figurative dialogue of the human
form. This will be explored in colaboration with sculptural
exploration and provide the groundwork for future bodies of work.
This project will be explored through the full figure and the
positioning of hands, which caries the weight of religious and
spiritual meaning. The most famous of these being the crucifiction of
use of a monocromatic palet implies a timelessness of the human
condition. Once color is introcuced , the choices of color determine
the period that the works are set in.
grab factor/interactive
, realism
at the importance of the position of your body, being consious of
your body and its surroundings as well as its effects on others
pastels – they
are an ephermeral material which reflects the fragility of the human
condition and our own mortality
body of works main focus is to lay the foundations towards further
bodies of work.
a Continuation of the experimentation of silhouette forms, I intend
on exploring the religious figurative dialogue of the human form.
This will be explored in colaboration with sculptural exploration of
presenting 2D artworks and provide the groundwork for future bodies
of work. This project will be explored through the full human figure
, which caries the weight of religious and spiritual meaning.
material/media: paper, book, wire,
techniques: metal cutting, book
drilling, wire binding, paper mache
scale: H40cm x W80cm x D40cm
installation: plinth mounted
- What research did you engage with ? Artist contemporary or traditional
what did I look at when brainstorming
research into:
- what are acts of faith and how can they be visually represented with the human form
- displaying of artworks in a non traditional method
- Jesus...parable of the mustard seed
- making wire trees
- leaf carving
- mustard tree and detail of mustard tree leaf
- Gem trees
- positioning of the human figure relating to christianity
- michael murphy – multi layered scultures , images that come together to form a cross but cast politically charged shadows
- David Noonan – artist that works with life size cutouts of the human form, printed on board
- Rob mulholland – silhouette mirrored human forms
3. Discuss the planning of your
project , including experimentation , technique selection, overcoming
technical problems and determining limitations and constraints (
Refer to your journal)
experimentation, technique selection
, why ?
Since the focus of this project was in
the display of images I started out by playing with the placement of
images create a dialogue. First I started by placing a series of 6
hand images in the form of a cross, then expanded that to be a three
dimensional form with 20 images. I played with creating a human
figure made out of smaller human forms. The thought process for me is
, when does a series of images become one image. If you display 10
photos in a frame, are they one image because they are attached to
the same armature ie frame. This experimentation led to me chosing
to explore images on leaves which are attached to a tree
- drilling three screws into a piece of timber
- binding wire around 10times which = 10 branches and 20 roots
- twist the wire where nessesary to create the tree trunk, branches and roots
- attachs the roots to an object, often a rock or some kind of base
metal cutting experiments
- cutting of a can
- flattening the natural curve of the metal from the can
- transfering the image onto the can surface (carbon paper)
- cutting of the can with sizzors and utility knife
- embosing the surface with a nail punch on a soft surface (gym mat)
- working out which way the figures on the leaves are positioned either towards the stem or away
final book techniques
- drilling screws into the top(x5) and bottom(x3) of the book, leaving 3 protruding on the top to use as anchor points for the roots of the tree.
- Holes drilled for the roots of the book to feed into
- spray paint (matt white) book surface, 2 coats
final tree techniques
- drill 3 screw into a length of timber, approx 80cm
- bind wire 21 times around the screws, this will make the branches and roots
- twisted the wires to the form of the tree that I wanted. (black mustard tree)
- cut the ends of the root wires, creating 42 roots which were then attached to the book base
- the ends of the branches were twisted and a loop left at the end to attach the leaves to
- once the leaves and book were attached, the paper mache(with bible book titles) were bound around the wires, this was done loosly to increase texture so that the book and leaves were separate from the trunk of the tree.
final leaf techniques
- use template of leaf and digitally manipulate a silhouette into the leaf image
- print out leaf image
- cut top and bottom of can with knife until 2cm is left, then cut this with sissors
- flatten out cut piece of can
- transfer image onto the cut can by using a stylus and carbon paper
- cut out silhouette with utility knife
- cut out leaf with sissors
- emboss leaf with back of nail punch on a soft surface
- spray leaf with matt spray paint
- attach leaf to tree by binding wire tightly around then end and bondcreting paper
technical problems limitations and
Due to hand injury and the difficulty
in cutting the aluminium cutting the 21 leaves was time consuming as
I was only able to cut a maximum of 3 a day. The way I resolved this
was after a conversation with a personal trainer friend, he suggested
that I treated doing it like a workout, take a few very short rest
breaks 2-5mins between the cutting of each leave and to carb load
with fruit every 30mins. I discovered that I was able to complete the
last 10 in one session by doing this without injury.
An unresolved problem with this artwork
was with the spray paint used on the surface of the book. The paint
never dried properly leaving finger prints and water marking. To
resolve this in a future work when using spray paint on surfaces,
priming the surface with a primer spray paint will aviod this
4. What aesthetic decisions did you
make? Eg working with particular equipment to achieve particular
effects, establishing a key , determining a palette and deciding upon
a format and a scale
My works are essentially self
portraits, so when I make discisions about scale, numbers, color,
words etc I instantly think “does this say something about me”
number of leaves
number as very important in the support
of concept, for this work I chose to create 21 leaves. It is said
that it takes 21 days to break a habit, or 21 days to create a new
one, this is in relation to the creation of neurological pathways in
the brain. So when discussing the need to acts of faith this relates
well in talking about the creation and maintance of positive habits.
Mustard tree
I chose to represent faith with the
mustard tree due to inspiration from the gospel, if your faith is as
big as a mustard seed, then your faith is great indeed. The mustard
tree is a weed, once it takes root it is very difficult to get rid of
I could have represented a tree without
leaves, it would have been dead, which is the outcome of not
outworking faith. The leaves are carved with acts of faith to
strengthen this concept.
as nourishment, faith needs knowledge.
Wisdom is the knowledge outworked. But again without outworking of
faith you can have all the nourishment you want and still not have
any life in your faith.
Tree trunk
I chose to bind the titles of the bible
around the branches, to describe what it is that feeds the outworking
of actions. And helps to explain what the book below is, without
needing to litterally use a bible.
I dont consider my faith being a fully
grown tree, im messy and make many mistakes. I have a LONG way to go
in growing in my faith, but at least my foundation has been laid. So
I chose to represent my faith with a sapling.
I am chosing to display the tree at
waist height to enhance the humble nature of the tree and enable
people to properly see the images carved into the leaves.
6. How could you further develop
your techniques in relation to you professional practice ? How might
you build upon your ideas towards future work ?
This project has provided me with an
image database of the human figure which covers most aspect of
representing christianity. It will greatly inform future bodies of
work and my own exploration of the human condition.
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