Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Artwork proposal TEMPLATE

The following is an artwork proposal template for contemporary artworks which are conceptually focused. It aids in helping you consider aspects of an artworks creation which could easily be overlooked, in particular how the artwork looks and is intended on being displayed, what the artwork means and what it is made out of. It is suitable for complete bodies of work for an exhibition and individual forms of art such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, digital etc. I have been using this for the past 3 years and it is an invaluable tool and process to do before making an actual artwork. 

Title of artwork 

Introductory paragraph [ Rationale ]
This will summarize your proposal and is the hardest thing to write. Just jot down some ideas and then come back to write this at the end. What is your proposal about and why and how – your theme/ideas, and its connection to the project and the scale and scope of the project

What is the project about [Personal vision]
Describe the concept/ideas/themes of your project and how you intend to explore it in your prints.
Make some connections to your prints

Why are you doing it
The ideas- where are they derived from and why should we/ audience care about this ?
What you hope to achieve from the project
its significance/ to the wider cultural context explain your ideas and concepts

How are you doing it ? Discuss the scope of your project
Here you should mention the number of works, materials you are using and techniques, media, scale, installation or format of display
Your research methodology- how are you making these works, the process and their connection to the themes of your project

  • How will it look (include drawings and research)
  • identify what marterials and processes you will adopt
    Why is your selection of materials and processes appropriate
  • Discuss the number, scale and format design of the works

Where relates to site specific works in particular – is it installed in a place or made about a place

This information you can then use to make an artists statement for presentation of your work at the end of the semester

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