Thursday, 29 October 2015

JC week 13 Final thoughts

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here

Material culture discussion paper:
Final artwork with all pieces together

Final thoughts

The "material culture discussion paper" asked use to consider: Objects as a record of a point of time, What our approach to the project is and to consider some contemporary issues.

Consider what is of interest to you or is important to you; Think about how the work relates to you, here, now.Reflect on what you have discovered in your research and distil your thoughts into the making and completion of a single object or series of works in the form of a small object or jewellery;

Objects are a record of a point in time. They reflect our beliefs, rituals and traditions. The intention was to create an object that is a statement about my identity, focusing on my beliefs, rituals and traditions as a pentecostal christian with strong ties to my British heritage.

Context : Sense of identity
This artwork is a statement and critique of identity. Identity is formed within a complex matix of many variables that include gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class, religion, community and nation.
I identify with heteronormativity, masculinity, caucasian ethnicity of british heritage, and as middle class surburban, but these are shadowed by my identification as part of the christian community.
 As a statement of cultural identity this art object does not speak much about "australian suburban beach culture" that surrounds the kingscliff and tweedcoast/goldcoast area. This artwork is intended as a reflection of the displacement and sense of disorientation in the contemporary world felt by many christians and a personal expression of those beliefs. We live in an age of independence , an age where “meaning and truth is created”1 by the individual , morality is relative , perversions celebrated and personal choice rules . We live in an age where Religion is seen an oppressive bureaucracy and No religion has the right to pronounce itself right or true. Religion is broadly seen today to be a cause of intolerance and war , faith-based political fanatiscism , backward-thinking attitudes to women or sexuality and having moral contradiction to the ways people want to live their lives.
Personal identity through a sense of cultural displacement and personal christian beliefs and has been explored through the creation  a sculptural art object that uses the form of a sword.

A sword is not a passive object, its an object of action. And it is this manifestation of action as opposed to pacivity that coveys the applications of the beliefs that are imbued in the form. The use of the two handed sword form is to reflect my connection with my european heritage. The nature of two-hander swords is that they are designed for offence and defense, with a double edged blade, and were used up until the age of enlightnment, which coincides with societal shifts towards christian beliefs. The significance of a double edged blade is that it potentially cuts the wielder, thus making reference to the self reflectivity of beliefs. 

As the physical manifestation of my christian belief system in each portion of the blade conceptually embues the physicality of the part with a spiritual application.

Research the work of contemporary artists in this field;

For this project research into artists that explore transendentalism, such as Bill Viola, Alex Grey and Mark Rothko were the main forcus (see JC entry week 6 ). And brisbane artist Doug Kwok.

Consider the significance of your material choices;
The use of brass in this project was to make reference to gold(through coloration) that was often used in christian religious relics. To support the concept of disconnection and disorientation with contemporary society I chose to use a sulphur patina technique to "age" the brass, giving a dull, mottled and worn appearance. But to show that the connection with the holy spirit is still relevant today, I chose to leave the cross guard ( which is made from aluminium ) clean and sharp. 

Consider the significance of your chosen imagery;


 Purpose:The physical connection between the wielder and the sword.
FORM: handle in 3 segments with a wooden core
Materials: Brass and timber core
The use of figurative imagery illustrates the real world application of beliefs, following the christian saying of "faith(beliefs) without actions are dead":

scriptural relevance:
James 2:14-17(NIV) “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”

IMAGERY : Child holding baloon - Maintaining a view that of a child of infinite joy, contentment, thankfullness, imagination, innocence and optomism
scriptural relevance:

Luke 18:17 (ESV)

17 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
IMAGERY : Old man - Carrying your own burdens and the burdens of those in need.
scriptural relevance:
Galatians 6:2(GNT)
Help carry one another's burdens, and in this way you will obey[a] the law of Christ.

IMAGERY : Artist - Use your giftings, whether is arts, music, science, cooking, cleaning. In my case its arts. And to not let them go to waste.
scriptural relevance:

1 Peter 4:10New International Version (NIV)

10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
IMAGERY : Couple - Honor and love your wife as christ loved the church
scriptural relevance:
Mark 10:8(NIV)\
and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Ephesians 5:22-33(NIV)
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[a] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[b] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
IMAGERY : Adult and child - Fatherhood, guidance and mentorship
scriptural relevance:

Proverbs 22:6New International Version (NIV)

Start children off on the way they should go,
    and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

IMAGERY : helping others - always be willing to help others
scriptural relevance:
Matthew 25:35-40 (NIV) “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,  I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’  Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?  And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’  And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”


Purpose of the pommel is to act as a counter balance for the sword,
 FORM: Clock work winder
Materials: Brass
The symbolism of the winder is to represent my ecclesiastical beliefs and beliefs in how the universe is formed and functions. The ecclesiastical beliefs are that there is a time for everything, including your own birth and death, prosperity and hardship. You never know how long you have and that there is a god made plan. And furthered by my beliefs in the complexity and functionality of physical reality, that it was created and watched over and that all things have a beginning and an end. Including time itself, which is relative (perceived differently by all 2 peter 3:8 (NIV) 'one day is like a thousand years'... to god) and in the concept of Time's Arrow.

Cross guard 

Purpose : Protecting the wielder
FORM : wings
Materials: Aluminium, brass
The symbolism of the wings is a common image for the holy spirit, meaning that the protection for the wielder is the holy spirit. Connection with the holy spirit is a defining characteristic of pentecostal christians, which occurs after salvation, anointing them for special christian service and spiritual warfare (struggles against spiritual enemies).


Purpose: The cutting part of the weapon, to wound or strike down an opponent,   
FORM: paper blade 
Materials: paper , threaded steel rod
The blade itself will be constructed from key scriptures (King James Bible, 1952) which form the foundation of my beliefs. The paper blade aludes to the spiritual and non-literal purpose of the sword. It is real, tangible, and powerful weapon that is to be used in spiritual battles. The scriptures used in this artwork are key scriptures relating to the concepts covered in image selection, the cross guard and pommel. These are:

Ephesians 6, Colossians 3, Peter 3,1 corithians 10, Hebrews 11 (faith), Romans 14 (some people eat what others cant), Titus (leasdership), 1 timothy 4, Proverbs 1 (wisdom), John 1 17 (moses and jesus) Romans 3 23 (salvation) Ecclesiastes (seasons)

Purpose: The pulpit is traditionally where beliefs are preached to others.
Form: Pulpit base
The use of the pulpit base is to support the concept of the "purpose" of the sword. In that its a transentental object designed for sharing and expression of beliefs and christian faith.

This artwork is being displayed free standing with the sword vertically attached to the base of a pulpit. The sword tip pointing towards the ground to alude to the purpose of the blade being used in "worldy" spiritual battles.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

JC week 13: Artist Statement

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here

Artist Statement 

Objects are a record of a point in time. They reflect our beliefs, rituals and traditions. The intention was to create an object that is a statement about my identity, focusing on my beliefs, rituals and traditions as a pentecostal christian with strong ties to my British heritage.

Context : Sense of identity
This artwork is a statement and critique of identity. Identity is formed within a complex matrix of many variables that include gender, sexuality, ethnicity, class, religion, community and nation.
I identify with heteronormativity, masculinity, caucasian ethnicity of british heritage, and as middle class surburban, but these are shadowed by my identification as part of the christian community.
 As a statement of cultural identity this art object does not speak much about "australian suburban beach culture" that surrounds the Kingscliff and Tweedcoast/Goldcoast area. This artwork is intended as a reflection of the displacement and sense of disorientation in the contemporary world felt by many christians and a personal expression of those beliefs. We live in an age of independence, an age where meaning and truth is created by the individual , morality is relative, perversions celebrated and personal choice rules . We live in an age where Religion is seen an oppressive bureaucracy and No religion has the right to pronounce itself right or true. Religion is broadly seen today to be a cause of intolerance and war, faith-based political fanatiscism, backward-thinking attitudes to women or sexuality and having moral contradiction to the ways people want to live their lives.
Personal identity through a sense of cultural displacement and personal christian beliefs and has been explored through the creation  a sculptural art object that uses the form of a sword.

A sword is not a passive object, its an object of action. And it is this manifestation of action as opposed to pacivity that coveys the applications of the beliefs that are imbued in the form. The use of the two handed sword form is to reflect my connection with my british heritage. The nature of two-hander swords is that they are designed for offence and defense, with a double edged blade, and were used up until the age of enlightenment, which coincides with societal shifts towards christian beliefs. The significance of a double edged blade is that it potentially cuts the wielder, thus making reference to the self reflectivity of beliefs.

As the physical manifestation of my christian belief system in each portion of the sword conceptually embues the physicality of the part with a spiritual application.
The use of figurative imagery on the handle illustrates the real world application of beliefs, following the christian saying of "faith(beliefs) without actions are dead"(James 2:14-17)
The spiritual application of beliefs being illustrated are:
  1. Child holding baloon - Maintaining a faith that is child like, with infinite joy, contentment, thankfulness, imagination, innocence and optimism.
  2. Old man - Carrying your own burdens and the burdens of those in need.
  3. Artist - Use your gifts, whether in the arts, music, science, cooking, cleaning. In my case its arts. And to not let them go to waste.
  4. Couple - Honor and love your wife as christ loved the church
  5. Adult and child - Fatherhood, guidance and mentorship
  6. helping up person - always be willing to help other, teachings and leadings purpose is to lift others up 
The function of a swords pommel is to act as counter weight, shifting the point of balance on the sword. The symbolism of the winder is to represent my ecclesiastical beliefs of seasons and beliefs in how the universe is formed and functions. The ecclesiastical beliefs are that there is a time for everything, including your own birth and death, prosperity and hardship. You never know how long you have and that there is a god made plan. And furthered by my beliefs in the complexity and functionality of physical reality, that it was created and watched over and that all things have a beginning and an end. And aludes to belief in time itself, which is relative (perceived differently by all 2 peter 3:8 (NIV) 'one day is like a thousand years'... to god) and in the concept of Time's Arrow which relates to the prevelance of prophecy in the bible.
The cross guard's symbolism of the wings is a common image for the holy spirit, meaning that the protection and strength for the wielder is the holy spirit. Connection with the holy spirit is a defining characteristic of pentecostal christians, which occurs after salvation, anointing them for special christian service and spiritual warfare (struggles against spiritual enemies).
The blade itself will be constructed from key scriptures (King James Bible, 1952) which form the foundation of my beliefs. The paper blade aludes to the spiritual and non-literal purpose of the sword. It is real, tangible, and powerful weapon that is to be used in spiritual battles. The scriptures used in this artwork are key scriptures relating to the concepts covered in image selection, the cross guard and pommel and key areas of christian belief.
 These are:
Ephesians 6 (christian conduct and armour of god), Colossians 3 (living as those made in christ), Peter 3 (marriage) ,1 corithians 10 (warnings), Hebrews 11 (faith), Romans 14 (tolerance), Titus (leadership), 1 timothy 4 (spiritual training), Proverbs 1 (wisdom), John 1 17 (moses and jesus) Romans 3 23 (salvation) Ecclesiastes (seasons of life)

This artwork is being displayed free standing with the sword vertically attached to the base of a pulpit. The free standing nature, and low display height (below chest height) has been chosen to convey a sense of disconnection, seclusion and vulnerability. This aesthetic was inspired by Bill Viola's artwork 'Tristan's ascesntion'. The sword tip pointing towards the ground to alude to the purpose of the blade being used in "worldy" spiritual battles. Traditionally pulpits are used to preach to others. The use of the pulpit base is to support the concept of the "purpose" of the sword. In that its a transentental object designed for sharing and expression of beliefs and christian faith.

The use of brass in this project was to make reference to gold(through coloration) that was often used in christian religious relics. To support the concept of disconnection and disorientation with contemporary society I chose to use a sulphur patina technique to "age" the brass, giving a dull, mottled and worn appearance. This aesthetic choice was repeated in the blades paper and in the choice of pulpit. But to show that the connection with the holy spirit is still relevant today, I chose to leave the cross guard   ( which is made from aluminium ) clean and sharp. 

In conclusion, as an art object, i feel that it effectively conveys my current sense of identity through its form, relating to my british heritage and conceptual connections which relate directly to my christian beliefs. This art object also effectively reflects the sense of disorientation and disconnection felt as a christian towards contemporary australian culture through its aged aesthetic and display method. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

JC week 13: Sword Blade made from bible paper

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here

Creation of the blade for JC final artwork.

paper blade : talks about the spiritual connection, non litteral, its not a weapon for physical battle but one for spiritual battles . The blade is made out of scriptures relating to core beliefs which have importants to me.

Direction of the writing on the blade : western reading/writing is left to right, top to bottom. So the writing will be directional from the hilt/handle of the blade towards the tip. Indicating the intended direction of the beliefs/scripture.

Note the blade has a threaded steel rod running its length, so that it can be displayed free standing. As mentioned in the proposal, this is to give the sword the appearance of weightlessness, referencing Bill Violas 'tristans asscention', and transendentalism.
Tho i feel that this work will be best displayed 'used' or as a performance item as it is something to be used and not displayed.

Bill Violas Tristan's Assention video still SOURCE:

Creation of the final paper blade

BELOW: For this portion of the project I had proposed on using actual bible pages to construct the blade from. My local library has book sales on each saturday and I saved this king james version bible from the throw out box. It was torn, tattered, filled with foxing and had definately seen better days and appears to have not been read very often ( 1952 publication/print) as the pages are not feathered/marked/written in etc. I felt that using it for this project would give it new life and purpose.

BELOW: The first step was to line the molds ( 2 molds for each half of the blade creating a shell) with 6 layers of paper.The prototype blade only required 3 layers but due to the thin paper of the bible and the wax content of the paper double the number was required. The glue used for this process is bondcrete, chosen as it dries clear and rigid and is waterproof. These were then allowed to dry  for ONE hour, which is touch dry.

ABOVE: The still damp paper was then clamped, due to the thin bible paper it creased easily with the glue and needed to be flattened out. This was allowed to dry overnight ( 12 hours approx)

ABOVE: Once the two halves of the blade were dry the threaded steel rod (120cm in length) was layed into the lower half, making sure that 1 inch of the thread was exposed on the thinnest end of the blade ( for the stand) and the remainder was left exposed. At 3 inches from the thickest end of the paper blade a 3/8 inch bolt was thread onto the shaft. This would be inside the blade when finished holding the blade in place. The threaded steel and bolt were then layered with bible paper tightly around the shaft attaching it to the lower half of the molded blade. 
This again was allowed to dry for 1 hour ( touch dry time for bondcrete) then a futher 20 layers of bible paper (approx) were added to the inside of the blade until the entire inside is filled. A further hour for drying was allowed. While the internal paper was still damp the second half of the blade shell was place ontop. 
BELOW: Gentle pressure was applied to the two halves of the blade shell to aid in the bonding.
NOTE: the "brown" material around the blade is plastacine, I used this to support the lower mold as the added weight may have broken then mold and/or the blade shell.

The blade was then allowed to dry for 12hours (approx) then released from the mold. The blade then was lent vertically against a wall and allowed to air dry for a further 12 hours.(BELOW)

BELOW: Once dry a quick test of how the finished project would look aesthetically with all of the parts together.

The final layering of the sword blade would be the key scriptures from the bible that form and maintain my belief system. These are :
Ephesians 6
Peter 3
1 corithians 10
Hebrews 11 faith
Romans 14 some people eat what others cant
Titus leasdership
1 timothy 4
Proverbs 1 wisdom

John 1 17 moses and jesusRomans 3 23 salvation
I went through the bible (ABOVE) and gently removed the relevant scriptures and placed them next to the blade with the intention that they would not go to waste. (BELOW)

With the blade suspended between two tables I slowly and carefully added the scriptures to the blade, and dried them with a paint stripper. ( this was to minimise warping of the paper layers )

BELOW: The finished blade with final layers of bible paper.

JC week 13: Sword Display

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here

Display method for the sword

Note the blade has a threaded steel rod running its length, so that it can be displayed free standing. As mentioned in the proposal, this is to give the sword the appearance of weightlessness, referencing Bill Violas 'tristans asscention', and transendentalism.

Bill Violas Tristan's Assention video still SOURCE:

Tho i feel that this work will be best displayed 'used' or as a performance item as it is something to be used and not just displayed. The following images are some posibilities of how the sword could be presented.


For the purpose of presentation display, the original display method used in the marquette will be employed. The base which the sword is displayed will be the base of a pulpit. The use of the pulpit as a base if to:
Support the concept of the "purpose" of the sword. In that its a transentental object designed for sharing and expression of beliefs and christian faith.

ABOVE: I aquired an old timber pulpit

ABOVE AND BELOW: there was a center screw on the base, this was removed and using a soft mallet I gently tapped the base loose from the stand. The base is 32cm in diameter and 3.5cm thick made from solid timber.

ABOVE: The hole that the stand had been inserted into originally was exactly the correct width (tight fit) for a 1 inch long 3/8 inch thread sleeve to be inserted. The sleve was  hammered into the hole until level with the rest of the base.

ABOVE: The completed sword with shaft threaded into the base.

Monday, 26 October 2015

JC week 13: Brass texturing and clockwork winder attachment

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here

Clock work winder attachment

Intention: attach the clock work winder piece made previously to the sword handle so that it holds the handle to the blade. Keeping in mind that the blade has a thread running its length and 25cms are exposed.

The process use is:
Drill a hole in the end cap of the handle for the threaded rod to pass through
Attach the thread to the clockwork winder.

ABOVE: first check, using the back of the drill bit, that it will be wide enough for the thread

ABOVE : mark where the thread will be passing through the end cap of the sword handle, then using a hole punch gently tap the center mark. The best way to 'gently' tap is to choke, this is done by holding the hammer very close to its head. Double check the mark, you only get one shot at this.

ABOVE : Carefully drill the hole, applying firm pressure with the electric drill. NOTE: you will need to wear a thick leather glove as the metal will get VERY hot.

ABOVE: insert the rod through the end cap to make sure that it is positioned correctly.

ABOVE: the entire sword handle joined together on the threaded rod.

Brass texturing and refinement of handle

To get an aged surface, I used the sulphur technique, for details on the process go to:
The changes to the quantities were one egg per brass piece, and the were left overnight in the sealed bag.
 Once the brass in this project had been patina'd to the desired amount the next step was to remove the excess silver solder on the joins ( Figure 1). To do this:

 Step 1: Use coarse grit sand paper to remove the bulk of the excess silver solder from the seams of the brass pieces.
Step 2: Use the nail file, to smooth the surface of the brass

Figure 1
ABOVE :Tools used for removing silver solder seams and for buffing the brass surface: Yellow sheet = P40 coarse sand paper , large rectangle = MDFsheet , Nail file
Far Left: Test of silver solder powder and buffing.

Increasing visibility of the embossed surface of the brass segments.

After the petinaing of the brass handle segments, it was very difficult to see the embossing of the brass surface. The solution used was to grind a stick of medium silver solder (figure 2) into a powder and apply that powder to the brass segments. Then, using a 15cm x 4cm strip of MDF timber, the surface of the brass is polished. This process removes the excess silver and some of the patina from the raised edges and leaving the coloration in the grooves (figure 3, figure 4). 

(figure 2) ABOVE : a strip of silver solder

figure 3

figure 4

Saturday, 24 October 2015

JC Week 12: Brass Clockwork Key

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here
Shape inspiration for the clockwork key


As a replacement to the circle at the end of the pommel ( which was to represent my beliefs in reality ) I have decided to create a clockwork key.

Figure 1

Drawing the design
The clockwork key was made out three annealed brass panels (panel(1) :7cm x 4cm   panel(2)  8cm x 4cm  and panel(3) 5cm x 2.5cm) . The smaller of the two was rolled into a tube, which will become the base of the clockwork key ( pictured in top center of Figure 2). Panel(1) was used for making the top of the clock work winder. It was place over a piece of snowden paper and marked out. Using a compass I maked out the basic design for the clock work key top. (Figure 1)

Figure 2

BELOW: The paper design was then cutout , and using blu tac, attached to the brass panel ( panel(1)). Using an 8B graphite pencil the design was traced around, and sealed using fixitive spray, this reduces smudging of the lines.

BELOW: Using the Jewelers saw the deisgn was carefully cutout.

Capping the end of the clockwork key base

The easiest way to attach an end cap onto a tube is to solder it directly onto a larger plate, then cut it free afterwards.
BELOW: Placement of the brass tube onto a larger brass plate before silver soldering.

BELOW: Note when soldering the larger surface area of the plate will require heating for longer than the join closest to the edge. Placement of the solder is critical to making sure that it is joined all the way around, at first i had intended to place the solder on the inside of the tube and heat from the outside, its easier to place it around the outside, and for a piece this side placing a piece of solder every 7mm approx. is sufficient.

BELOW: Once soldered(silver) the tube can be cut free from the base plate  

BELOW: The final step is to cut a slot in the brass tube for the clockwork top to be inserted into. This was done using a dremmel and a 1mm cutting disk. A slot was cut directly through the center and 1cm down either side of the tube.
Note in the image there is a bent piece of brass on the table next to the cutting dist (center bottom). It is always prudent when making a precision join that you test out the cutting disk first. Three attempts were made with different thickness disks before the correct width was found.

BELOW: Once the burrs have been cleaned out of the slot, the top and tube of the clock work key can be joined together. ( hand in photo for scale)

The final process will be to insert the 3/8 inch threads into the tube of the key, this portion of the project will be holding the entire sword together.

Now all of the elements of the swords handle are near completion