Wednesday 2 September 2015

JC Week 5: design refinement

NB: journal entry for the Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university (QCA) to view the full journal click here

NB: Jewellery and Small object module at South bank Griffith university ( QCA ), this entry contains digital and drawn sketches of the final project, see the marquette entry for further exploration.

Rationale of each section of sword:
Pommel: acts as a balance for the weapon, for me my balance is my faith in things happening when they are suppose to happen, you just need to wait ( all things happen in gods timing not yours) also belief in creationist universe, fate, purpose and destiny.

Grip: your physical connection to the sword. The intention is to place imagery which reflects the outworking of my key beliefs ie family, friendship, marriage, inner child, carrying burdens, guidance, using your gifts, prayer, helping others etc. This will  be explored through silhouettes.

Cross Guard: This is the shield, protection of the physical connection. This for me  is my reliance on god/holyspirit for strength and prayer. 

Blade: The blade is the word of god/scriptures. The blade will be constructed from key scriptures that discuss my own key beliefs that I use and relate to on a daily basis. Keeping in mind that westerners read left to right my intention is to have the writing start at the cross guard and read towards the tip of the blade.

The following 2 digital images were initial sketches for the design of the sword, note the cross guard and pommel have not been resolved. The "golden" color is to represent brass as the materials.
Digital concept image
Digital concept image closeup: NB the clock was an exploration into the eccesiastical belief that all things have their own season. After further consideration this concept is best explored in the pommel ( the balance of the weapon and beliefs ).

The following three images were an exploration into making the paper blade becoming rigid when gripped. The concept being that the sword/ scriptures need to be used and held tightly for them to have any real usage. The psudo sexual connotations to a sword becoming rigid when gripped led me to disreguard this idea apon completion of the drawings.

Detail of the mechanism required in the handle to make the blade rigid. The idea was to place pressure on an armeture wire which ran the length of the blade, which would pull a series of 'beads' together.

The following is exploration into resolving the cross guard and construction/display of the grip. This design was then carried into the marquette design

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